Dear Editor:
Following is a possible simple solution to the issue of police officer layoffs.
It is estimated that the proposed 7-31-09 layoff of 22 police officers would save WNY approx. $1,100,000/year. Based on average salary and benefits of $50,000/per officer. The 2009 budget shows an increase in health care premiums for all city employees at $2,500,000.
The current global economy has forced many in the private, public, large and small business and senior sectors, to accept slightly lesser coverage in order to maintain previous premium levels and in many instances to accept salary freezes and/or reductions. Additionally, all health care providers are being forced to become extremely competitive by reducing their overheads and profit margins, and thereby lowering premiums so as not to lose their large customers.
Get tough with the town’s financial officers, and in turn with the health care provider insurance companies, and not the police!
Yours Truly,
Len Alpert