Bruce Willis returns to Bayonne?

Not quite. But on July 7, Warner Brothers Pictures used a portion of the former Military Ocean Terminal to practice car stunts for a new comedy movie staring Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan entitled “A Couple of Dicks.” Directed by Kevin Smith, whose film credits include “Clerks” and “Chasing Amy,” the new film focuses on two detectives who are investigating the disappearance of a baseball card.
It is uncertain if the film will use any other locations in Bayonne for actual shooting.
Meanwhile, 20th Century Fox also used MOTBY for car stunt tests on July 6, for an upcoming film starring Steve Carell and Tina Fey as a married couple in “Date Night,” directed by Shawn Levy. The film follows a couple who find that their routine date night becomes much more than just dinner and a movie.
Meanwhile, on July 10, A&E filmed part of a movie using the east and west sides of one of the former military buildings as well as the water adjacent to the parking lot. This, according to a Homeland Security permit, was for the purpose of filming a promo for an upcoming film. Al Sullivan

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