Davis is dynamic

Reporter receptionist wins ‘Employee of the Month’ for June

Annette Davis jockeys the phones at The Hudson Reporter front desk and does much more.
“Annette has great customer skills,” wrote a colleague in nominating her for Employee of the Month last month. “She does her job efficiently when dealing with customers. Annette is always willing to help other departments when needed.”
Davis was born and raised in Hoboken. She still lives there with her husband James and children James and Olivia,
who are 7 and 1 year old respectively. She met her husband, also a Hoboken native, in town more than
a dozen years ago.
Besides juggling the phones, Annette is responsible for numerous tasks that are paramount for making the office run smoothly and efficiently.
“Annette is the backbone of this office.” wrote one colleague.
“She goes above and beyond her job,” wrote another, “always reminding me of messages and calls when I’m out on the road, etc.”
Some even know first-hand how hard it is to juggle multiple duties at once. “I know from experience when I had the job 20 years ago, it’s not easy,” wrote a co-worker.
Davis joined the staff five years ago after she saw the ad in the paper. “When I was leaving from my interview with Co-Publisher Lucha Malato, I walked past the front desk and thought to myself, ‘That’s my desk. I could be happy here.’ Two days later I was offered the job,” she said. “So I was right. That is my desk and I am happy here.”
As far as hobbies, Davis enjoys decorating – so much so that she looks forward to jazzing up the Reporter’s
Christmas tree every year.
Now that it’s summer, she is anticipating a new adventure: taking her family to Hershey Park in Pennsylvania.
Davis’ sense of humor and friendliness were praised by colleagues.
“When she is out,” one employee wrote, the office is a little quieter.”
Davis said, “The best part of being Employee of the Month is hearing the kind words and knowing that your co-workers appreciate what you do every day.”


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