Dear Editor:
It gives me great pleasure in announcing that Sunday, April 19 through Saturday, April 25 was designed National Volunteer Week. Hoboken University Medical Center is grateful to those who gave their time and talents to our patients, their families and staff. There were 121 participants in our 2008 Volunteer Program who donated 13,025 hours of service to our hospital. A heartfelt thank you!
We would like to acknowledge the Hoboken University Medical Center Auxiliary for their dedication and allegiance to our hospital. The Auxiliary was invited to attend the 2008 Governor’s Award breakfast at Drumthwacket on November 14, 2008 to receive the 2008 Governor’s Award for Volunteer Program/Group. This group of dedicated individuals sponsors the gift shop at the hospital and the gift shop on the corner of 6th & Garden Sts., as well as many fundraisers during the year. They had just completed their Million Dollar pledge to the hospital for the new Emergency Room and other healthcare initiatives and are well on their way to the current pledge of Half a Million. Congratulations and many thanks!
Dorothy DeMauro
Director Volunteer Services