Dear Editor:
I am writing to convey my heartfelt appreciation to all those who voted in the school board election on April 21. While the results were not what I had hoped, I am extremely proud of the six years that I have served on the Board of Education. During that time, I dedicated myself to improving our school system, enhancing the academic and recreational experience of Hoboken’s students, and ensuring that each tax dollar was spent wisely. For giving me that opportunity, I am deeply grateful for the trust and confidence that the people of Hoboken bestowed upon me throughout those years. Accordingly, everyone can be sure that my strong and sincere public commitment to the education of our youth, and the future of our city, will continue. In closing, I’d like to thank all those who supported my campaign in any way. I am truly honored to have received your votes, and greatly appreciate the time and energy that so many expended on behalf of my candidacy and that of my running mates. We can all hold our heads up high because we fought the good fight on behalf of the students and children of our town, and the betterment of Hoboken. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. See you around town.
Frank “Pupie” Raia