Profits versus good for the people

Dear Editor:
I must respond as a lifelong Jersey City resident concerning the attack of the out of town/out of state developer Steve Hyman against our Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy.
It is evident that Mr. Hyman’s motivations are strictly driven by profit and do not have the health and well being of the people of Jersey City at heart. Mayor Healy, for the good of the people is eager to include a park, bicycle/hiking path and Light Rail transportation line for this Embankment. It is noted that Mr. Hyman is spending $150,000 plus in a campaign to attempt to discredit the Mayor and advance in profit making schemes.
Does this person believe the people of Jersey City cannot see through his efforts which again are strictly for his benefit and not for the people?
There is an adage that you can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, Mr. Hyman, you are fooling no one.
Robert B. Knapp

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