
City files motion to stop a state-appointed police chief

Corporation Counsel Steven Kleinman filed a motion in Mercer County Superior Court last week to stop the state Division of Local Government Services from appointing a police chief.
As of Thursday, the city had not heard back from the judge, Kleinman said, but expects to soon.
Also on Thursday, Local Government Services Director Susan Jacobucci was in Hoboken to interview the three candidates for police chief herself, according to state fiscal monitor Judy Tripodi, who was not in the meeting. Tripodi said Jacobucci also met with mayoral hopefuls Peter Cammarano and Dawn Zimmer while she was here.
Mayor David Roberts thinks the choice of chief should be his, and he had six City Council members back him on a letter he sent to the state throwing his support behind Captain Anthony Falco, who scored highest on the state-administered chief’s exam. Some people claim Falco was too close to disgraced former chief Carmen LaBruno, and that Acting Chief Robert Lisa should be made chief permanently.
A determination from a panel of objective interviewers who sat with the three candidates – Captain Edelmiro Garcia is the third – has not been made public, and sources said some council members who backed Roberts’ letter were not made aware of the panel’s determination before doing so.
A state Department of Community Affairs spokesperson said last week that the state cannot comment on the subject now because it is the basis of the city’s litigation.

Family events

All families with babies are invited to join in the fun of the Annual Baby Parade at 1 p.m. on Sunday, May 17, sponsored by the Hoboken Historical Museum. The event is free of charge, starts at Sinatra Park and finishes at Pier A Park, and includes an award ceremony for Best Dressed Child, Best Dressed Family and Most Creative Carriage.
Also on Sunday, May 17, at 4 p.m. the community is invited to hear a lecture at the Hoboken Historical Museum on the sailing history of Hoboken’s founding family, the Stevenses, and the nautical innovations pioneered by the institute they founded. The guest lecturer is Dr. Michael Bruno, Dean of Stevens School of Engineering and Science. The lecture is free. Visitors can also see the museum’s exhibition “Up & Down the River: A History of the Hudson, 1609-2009.”
In addition, Family Fun Nights at Shipyard Park presented by Mayor David Roberts, the city of Hoboken, and the Applied Companies will begin on June 9. Shipyard Park is located at 13th Street and McFeeley Drive in Hoboken.
The outdoor performances are Tuesday evenings from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. and free to the public.
For information, call Geri Fallo at (201) 420-2207 or visit www.hobokennj.org for a full schedule.
Schedule includes: June 9 – Princess Katie & Racer Steve; June 16 – Hilby the Skinny German Juggle Boy; June 23 – Yosi Sing-A-Long; July 7 – Mother Goose; July 14 – Baze & his Silly Friends; July 21 – Patience Moore, the Cowboy Girl; July 28 – Music Together; and more.

Money trouble at YMCA

T he Hoboken-North Hudson YMCA is experiencing a serious shortage of money, according to Director Julie Gallanty.
The institution at 1301 Washington St. owed roughly $85,000 to PSE&G recently and was in jeopardy of having their lights shut off, although loans from Councilwoman Beth Mason (amount undisclosed) and others in Hoboken were enough to keep the facility open until funds can be raised.
The building is scheduled to have renovations soon and currently houses 50 low-income men, but the future of that project is unclear. The building also has hundreds of members who use their workout and swim facilities.
Mason said she is planning a fundraiser in the coming weeks, but also asked that people give what they can to help save the institution.

City Council meeting rescheduled

Since the Hoboken Memorial Day parade is trotting down Washington Street on Wednesday, the City Council rescheduled their bi-weekly meeting for Monday, May 18 at 7 p.m. at City Hall. The meeting agenda is extremely light and carries very few substantive issues.

Conference for Early Childhood Program

O n Thursday, April 30, the Hoboken Public Schools Early Childhood Program held the First Annual Parent Conference at Brandt School. The goal of the Early Childhood Program was to give Hoboken parents, staff, and members of the community an opportunity to participate in a free local event which hosted a number of workshops on various topics. In addition, it gave parents an opportunity to meet and network with other parents and staff during breakfast and lunch. Throughout the day participants had the opportunity to attend up to four of twenty-seven workshops to gain skills, strategies, and tips to support their child’s educational and emotional needs, as well as their own. For more information on the event, visit www.hoboken.k12.nj.us and follow to the early childhood page.

Ask the candidates!

The Hudson Reporter is hosting a mayoral candidate forum this week, conducted by our editorial board, but we need your help. Please submit any questions you have for the candidates to tcarroll@hudsonreporter.com. by Wednesday, May 20. We will post video of the forum on our website for your review.
So, submit your questions then check www.hudsonreporter.com to see the candidate responses. And be sure to vote on June 9!

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