Cammarano says thank you

To the Citizens of Hoboken:
I want to take this opportunity to extend my most sincere thanks to everyone who came out to the polls on Tuesday, and took the time to vote and show their commitment to our great City’s future. Of course, I am particularly grateful to those voters who decided to support me and my Council team. These Hoboken residents, people from all walks of life and all different backgrounds, came together to support our mission of delivering lower taxes and real change. Through their support, the voters of Hoboken have lent me a debt of trust that I will be unremitting in my efforts to compensate. I am humbled and deeply moved by the tremendous amount of support for my candidacy on Tuesday.
My compliments also extend to all of the other candidates, both Mayor and Council, who took part in this election. They should be applauded for getting involved in local politics and government, and for sharing the same goal: a better Hoboken for everyone. I also commend my running mates – Michael Novak, Frances Rhodes-Kearns and Angel Alicea – for their hard work in this campaign and proven commitment to our City.
At the same time, it is important to note that this campaign is not over. In less than a month, Hoboken voters will have a chance to choose again, this time between myself and Councilwoman Dawn Zimmer. Our team ran a positive, issue-oriented campaign over the past several months and did not resort to any divisive personal attacks. I pledge to continue to conduct my campaign in the same manner and to focus on discussing real issues that matter to Hoboken’s families and taxpayers. Dawn and I share many similar views, but there are also clear differences between us that must be explored. To make sure that Hoboken voters get a full and complete discussion of these issues, I have asked Dawn to participate in a series of debates. I am hopeful that she will agree.
Once again, I thank everyone who exercised their right to vote this past Tuesday. I hope to see you all again on the campaign trail in your neighborhood, and I ask that you come out one more time on June 9th to support my team and our vision for Hoboken’s future. Please consider joining our effort to change Hoboken’s direction toward better days ahead.


Peter Cammarano
Candidate for Mayor

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