’Moe’ makes his decision; takes swipe at Mason

Anyone who watches the Hoboken City Council meetings on cable has seen resident Moe DeGennaro give his opinions. Have you wondered whom Mo is supporting in the Hoboken mayoral election for this Tuesday? Wonder no more!
Moe submitted a release in which he took a swipe at candidate Beth Mason, didn’t mention candidate Dawn Zimmer at all, and said that it’s not true that Cammarano is following in the footsteps of incumbent mayor David Roberts (as Mason has suggested in her literature).
Here is the release:
HOBOKEN, NJ – Today, longtime Hoboken resident and community activist Maurice “Moe” De Gennaro announced his endorsement for Peter Cammarano as the next Mayor of Hoboken. De Gennaro is a constant fixture at City Council meetings for many years, offering ideas and solutions to cut costs and get Hoboken’s budget under control. DeGennaro was an early advisor of Beth Mason during her run for City Council in 2007, but has come out against Councilwoman Mason in her run for City Hall.
“Peter Cammarano is the only candidate who is capable of pushing an agenda to lower property taxes, implement a sound budget process, and getting Hoboken moving in the right direction again,” stated De Gennaro. “I supported Beth Mason when she ran for City Council 2 years ago, and she has let me and the residents of Hoboken down. I firmly believe that she is unfit to serve in City Hall. After observing Peter during his time on the City Council he has consistently showed that his decisions were based on what he thought was in the best interest of Hobokenites. Even though he ran with Mayor Roberts 4 years ago, he broke with Roberts on many important issues, including Robert’s attempt to sell the municipal garage below market value. Once he learned of Robert’s deceptions, he changed his positions.”
De Gennaro has been at the fore front of pushing for accountability from elected officials and proposing resolutions for Hoboken’s property tax problems. As a local business owner and community activist he has deep ties in the Hoboken community. “Peter has the ability to bring ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Hoboken together, and enact policy that will bring our city together,” said De Gennaro. “Every other candidate in this election is looking to conquer and divide, but not Peter, he is looking to bring all Hoboken residents together.”
“I am thankful for Mr. De Gennaro’s vote of confidence and endorsement,” stated Cammarano. “In City Hall I will live up to the ideals that he has championed over the years, including lowering taxes and trimming our budget.”
Peter Cammarano is the only candidate running for Mayor who did his job last year by voting to pass a City budget – which would have stopped the State takeover and prevented the ensuing 47% tax increase. Cammarano again was the only candidate who did his job by approving this year’s budget, in order to get Hoboken back on the path of regaining control of the City and working to decrease taxes.

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