‘This is the time for full community representation’

To the Editor:
Yes, I did indicate that I would be willing to serve on an interim basis in the council seat vacated by Anthony Chiappone until there can be an election in November, at which time I would not run. I feel strongly that this is a time that requires full participation from every segment of our community. This critical juncture is not the time to have any vacancies, not on the council and not on any committee. This is the time for full community representation. An empty seat of a council of five proportionately represents 20 percent of the council missing. To leave it vacant for seven months is a disservice to the mayor, the council and the community.
I have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to work in the governor’s office, the legislature and city hall. I understand and know state and city government. Now as director of business development for the Meadowlands Commission, I have the opportunity of bringing that knowledge to both the business community and local governments and interfacing their mutual goals.
For almost a hundred years, my family has had a long and storied history in Bayonne and that is very important too, as is the city’s future. I supported Mayor Smith’s election because I know he shares those dreams of a new and revitalized Bayonne. I think we all want to see those dreams realized because it’s going to take the whole community to achieve the mayor’s vision.


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