‘Please, enough already!’

To the Editor:
“There is a disruption in the Force.” I am referring to the activities of several residents at various public meetings. Just a few people are trying to prevent the City Council to conduct its business by questioning each and every agenda line item. They are not happy people! They want everybody else to know that they are miserable and in need of attention. The worst thing they are guilty of is boring me to sleep. I am very content to watch the different meetings at home on my TV. Hijacking the meetings must be fun for them, but it looks like a long, long running horror show on my television.
These residents are not considering the pain they are inflicting on their neighbors and our government. It is our council, folks, and everybody gets to vote on its composition. We get to elect a mayor and council and if you don’t like what they are doing, you are allowed to address the council or go down to the mayor’s office and tell him just what issue you are concerned about. These unhappy people are the residue of a failed election for mayor. Their candidate couldn’t win at the polls, so they are trying to throw a monkey wrench into the machinery of government. This activity is shameful and unnecessary. I would like to see them run for office and then nitpick every agenda item if they are elected. (Not appointed!) No more puzzles, please.
I am just speaking for myself in this matter. However, I don’t believe I am alone in wishing these insurgents would tone down the filibustering tactics and let me watch the meetings without constant interruption. Please, enough already! For the record, I happen to like these individuals, but cannot find agreement with them right now.
“Let the Force be with you.”


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