“Breaking the Silence” is an art project and an exhibit that presents honest images of the female breast. The “Breaking the Silence” exhibit, which documents and examines medical, aesthetic, and sexual activities and enterprises that pertain to women’s breasts, features a hanging-bra installation comprised of bras donated by girls as young as nine years old to women in their 70s, as well as a series of digital images of the donors’ upper torsos. Gathered at the exhibit opening at New Jersey City University were (from the left): Ella Rue of Califon, NJCU publications manager; Tamara Tertulien-Jackson of Hamilton, assistant to the director of the University Advisement Center; Karen DeAngelis of West Orange, director of NJCU’s Speicher-Rubin Women’s Center; Dr. Catherine Raissiguier of Jersey City, coordinator of NJCU’s Women’s and Gender Studies Program; Sandra Barsoum of Bayonne, an NJCU political science major; Madelynne Dela Rama of Jersey City, an NJCU art major; Madelin Castillo of Jersey City, an NJCU psychology major; and Renata Moreira of Jersey City, NJCU assistant director for special projects. The exhibit was one in a month-long series of campus programs held in recognition of “Women’s History Month.”


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