Orsini 2, the Field 0

Dear Editor:
I have been to both debates, and it is clear to me that Frank Orsini has the Vision for Hoboken. He is also a leader – at the last debate, he stood up to deliver his closing. That’s what leaders do – they stand up and take responsibility. He talks about less government, reducing the council from 9 members to 5 to get politics out of City Hall, spending less and cutting taxes. He has a plan and has delivered it clearly.
With Financial Operation and Compliance experience, I know he will cleanup city hall and know that $4.2 million compliance error will not happen again. With his compassion in human outreach, I know he values people over dollars when it counts (cross town buss & affordable housing). Most of all, he listens. Finally, his desire to create a Green Master is a vision that no other candidate has and it will lower our taxes.
I see a clear choice. While the other candidates blame each other, Frank Orsini stands up and stands out from the rest. Vote for Frank Orsini on May 12, 2009. Row/Column 11A.

Dinorah Vargas Hoboken

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