To all Rosarians

To the Editor:
Once again, I had the pleasure of “Coming Home” to attend the Bayonne Rosarians Citywide Communion Breakfast, which was held on Sunday, April 19. This year’s, which is the 27th annual, was hosted by St. Vincent de Paul Church. A 10 a.m. Mass was celebrated by Reverend James D. Manos, Pastor and moderator, and concelebrated by Reverend Lawrence J. Miller, pastor and moderator of St. Mary, Star of the Sea Church. The alleluias rang out with the powerful voice of the leader of song, along with the choir’s renditions, which verberated throughout the church. Each parish’s president presented roses at the statue of the Blessed Mother. There were over 200 Rosarians in attendance at the Mass.
The breakfast was held at the new Knights of Columbus Hall. Ann DeMaria, Rosary president, greeted us and introduced the mistress of ceremonies, Margaret Hughes, who then introduced the Rosary societies presidents and moderators, as well as the honored guests, the Honorable Mark Smith, Mayor, guest speaker and Reverend Manos and Reverend Miller. She then led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Rev. Manos gave the invocation and the breakfast buffet commenced.
The honored guest speaker, Reverend John D. Gabriel, spoke to us about Sister Faustina and the Feast of the Divine Mercy. He capsulated his message by the “A, B, C’s” of mercy: “A”sk for his mercy – God wants us to approach him in prayer constantly; “B”e merciful – God wants us to receive his mercy, and let it flow through to others; “C”ompletely trust in Jesus – God wants us to know that the graces of His mercy are dependent upon our trust, and Jesus requested that this Feast of Mercy be celebrated on the Sunday after Easter.
The hour of mercy – Our Lord asked for special prayers at the hour that recalls his death, at 3 o’clock, imploring His mercy. This is the hour of great mercy. In this hour, He will refuse nothing to the soul that makes a request of Him in virtue of His passion.
I had the opportunity of addressing the Rosarians about the First Citywide Communion Breakfast, hosted by St. Henry’s Parish, at the old Knights of Columbus Hall. It has taken us 27 years to return to the Knights of Columbus’ new building. I reminded them of how we chose the next host parish by drawing from a hat. I asked their indulgence for my reliving that moment today, by removing my hat and stating: “Hats off to the next host parish, which, by the way, is St. Andrew’s Church.
Thank you for your always warm welcome to me. I pray we will all be together for the upcoming 28th annual in 2010.


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