Consider some of these ideas

To the Editor:
I haven’t heard too many ideas for the vision and future of Bayonne lately, so I decided to share some of my ideas.
The city officials should convert to a four-day work week, closed on Fridays, to save some money. I’m not sure how much it will save, but every dollar saved is worth it. They should bring in independent auditors to examine the city’s finances. Having a third party examine our books might find savings in areas that haven’t been found yet. It is time for city employees to start paying for their health insurance like in the private sector. I understand that some employees are paying $50 a month for it. Well it’s time to increase that. All non-emergency employees should be made to contribute to their health insurance. The police department should check out a new startup company called Carbon Motor Corporation that custom designs police cars. Their cars are also 40 percent more fuel efficient than the average police car.
If the city wants to be in the green race, then it should make all further developments in the city green and Leeds certified. The master plan should be revised to make sure the sizes of the developments are kept in check so they don’t overwhelm the neighborhoods they are built in. The new development being built on the empty lot on Avenue E and 45th Street is way too big for the neighborhood. Despite the pleas of some of the residents and me, the Planning Board approved it. We should attempt to get a farmer’s market into Bayonne, whether it be on weekends or week days. It would be helping our local farmers and giving people another option where to purchase some of their food.
I hope the city administration considers some of the ideas I have proposed to be used to better Bayonne.


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