Mason’s reign will be better than Zimmer’s Rain

Dear Editor:

I live in the Fourth Ward and just really feel the need to speak out about what I experienced Monday night trying to get home after that horrible downpour.
For like the umpteenth time, I had to re-route myself, weaving up and down various detours to try to find a dry way to get to the entrance of my building. But there was none! Yet again, I had to walk through sewage up to my knees just to get to my front door. I was supposed to go back out and meet my girlfriend, but I had to shower and change or I would have smelled and probably caught some disgusting skin disease.
I know you can’t blame a major infrastructural problem squarely on one person, but I have to say, two years ago I voted for Dawn Zimmer to represent my ward on the City Council, specifically because she talked about forming a plan to fix the flooding problem and seemed to understand what a mess it is and to take it very seriously. Here we are, two years later, and what’s she done? I don’t expect her to solve the entire problem in one fell swoop, but I haven’t heard a thing from her since the election. I just don’t think she takes this as seriously as she claimed she did when she asked for my vote.
I’ve met Beth Mason and heard about her record of getting things done in this city, like opening records up to the public and reining in spending, and on May 12, she and her ticket will be getting my vote.


Travis Klein

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