Special thanks to Modell’s Jersey City

To the Editor:
Last month, I received a request from N.J. National Guard (Jersey City Armory) Major Stephen McKenzie via the U.S. Army’s Family Readiness Group. Major McKenzie is the commander of C Company 250th Brigade Support Battalion, based at Camp Bucca, Iraq.
Major McKenzie stated that as the violence in Iraq decreases, more and more children are seen playing outside. He said that he and his troops observed a disproportionate ratio of Iraqi children to soccer balls, with sometimes as many as 50 or 60 children to one soccer ball. As the U.S. Army’s role becomes more of a peace keeper, the citizen soldiers of C Company wanted to provide these children with some additional soccer balls as a gesture of good will. Major McKenzie asked if the Friends of the FRG could possibly help.
With this request in mind, I approached the assistant manager, Victor DiPaolo at Modell’s, 611 Washington Boulevard, Jersey City. I explained to Mr. DiPaolo who the Friends of the FRG are and discussed with him Major McKenzie’s request. I asked if Modell’s would be interested in partnering with the Friends of the FRG to provide the soccer balls. Victor thought it was a great idea. With his manager’s approval, Victor provided us with nearly four dozen high quality soccer balls, air pumps and ball pins at a discounted price. Victor and his employees even deflated the balls and boxed them for us.
Today, these soccer balls are being kicked around on the streets and playgrounds of Bucca, Iraq. We at BCB Community Bank would like to express our appreciation to Victor DiPaolo and his employees at Modell’s.

Operations/Security Manager BCB
Friends of the Family Readiness Group

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