Historic choice in school board election

Dear Editor:
On Tuesday, April 21 we, the voters of Hoboken will make a historic choice. We have the opportunity to elect the Kids First 2009 slate to the Hoboken Board of Education and create a majority for reform.
The Kids First team, Theresa Minutillo, Maureen Sullivan and Ruth McAllister, are dedicated, involved parents who have invested enormous energy toward achieving a lofty but entirely attainable goal – providing all of our children with the best education possible at a price we can afford. All three have worked hard as citizens and parents to garner unprecedented community support. Now we must do our part to give them the opportunity to lead our schools into a future that we can all be proud of.
Please join me in re-electing Theresa Minutillo and in electing Maureen Sullivan and Ruth McAllister to the Hoboken Board of Education. The polls are open 2-9 p.m., there is no morning voting. Please be sure vote and make sure your friends do as well. Kids First needs and deserves every vote we can bring them.

Carol Marsh

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