A just reward

Dear Editor:
Back over a year ago the mayors of New Jersey’s two largest cities namely Mayor Healy of Jersey City and Mayor Booker of Newark endorsed Barack Obama for President while the Democratic smart money was on Hillary’s bandwagon. I think our state should be greatly rewarded under the stimulus program.
Under the stimulus program the New Jersey side of the national shrine namely Ellis Island can be developed. The various labor unions would benefit. There won’t be any problem with tax abatements, eminent domain, etc.
It’s a win, win situation for the state of New Jersey. Upon completion the state would have a tourist attraction. There will be jobs created and revenue generated for the state. Hopefully we can have the 911 Monument placed on our side of Ellis Island as a tourist attraction. The monument would be about a quarter of a mile away from the site of the actual tragedy. It would be visible to New York, New Jersey and the boat traffic on the majestic Hudson River. Remember the New York side of Ellis Island is developed. Jersey City supplies it with water, electricity, fire protection and medical help. I hope that I see the day that we are supplying our part of Ellis Island.
In closing, thanks Morris Pesin for Liberty State Park. Let’s say a prayer for our troops overseas.

Al Rinn

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