Why I support Mason, Addeo, Morales and Pasquale

Dear Editor:
My name is Jake Stuiver, and I’m proud to be the Manager of the Campaign to Elect Beth Mason Mayor and Vincent Addeo, Raul Morales II and Anthony Pasquale to the City Council.
Many in town know me as the longtime head of Hudson DFA, the local affiliate of the grassroots political organization Democracy for America. My engagement in local politics is driven only by a desire to work with candidates who want to make the city I love the best it can be.
I was proud to sign on as Beth’s campaign manager, and I’m equally enthusiastic about her running mates. Not only do they identify strongly with my progressive political values, they also believe as I do that enough is enough, and the mismanagement of Hoboken’s financial house must end. They love our community and want to help Beth put Hoboken on a better course.
As a union leader, Vinny Addeo is perhaps closer to my personal political values than any other candidate with whom I’ve worked. Vinny is fighting for better living standards and workplace safety for working people who face great challenges in this economic environment. Vinny and I have had some highly engaging conversations about the issues facing American workers. If you haven’t had the pleasure, I’d encourage you to meet him and hear his story.
As a young attorney and graduate of Brown University, Raul Morales II displays a passion for justice and a deep belief in progressive values. He has also responded more enthusiastically to my association with DFA than many other local politicians I’ve supported. Raul is a bright thinker who is very excited by the opportunity to give back to the community that has given him so much. His enthusiasm is infectious.
As a seasoned finance specialist who retired from a very successful career at one of the world’s top insurance companies, Tony Pasquale has the skills and the values needed to roll up his sleeves and straighten out our city’s financial woes. From a finance point of view, Tony is the most qualified candidate for council on the ballot. He also fits nicely with the DFA model candidate in being “socially progressive and fiscally responsible.”
As for Beth, it probably goes without saying that I’ve held her in the highest regard for as long as I’ve lived in the area, during which she’s served as a friend, an ally and a mentor in many of my various political and community-organizing activities. Beth Mason is the original champion of open public records, fighting tirelessly to get us the information we need to improve the way our city is run. If the city had put her recommended budget practices into place years ago, we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in now.
Please join me to help elect a slate of genuine progressive champions who have a vision for a better Hoboken and a plan to get us there. Thank you!
Jake Stuiver

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