Parking meters on Sinatra Drive are ridiculous

Dear Editor:
I have seen the city of Hoboken do some questionable things during the time that I have lived here but the recent installation of parking meters on Sinatra Drive is at the top of my list for the most foolish. Do the people who create the parking regulations in Hoboken actually live in town? I don’t have to tell anyone that there is parking shortage in town, and what has City Hall done about it? Well, they have removed perhaps 75 parking spaces that were utilized mostly by residents of Hoboken and given metered parking that will mostly benefit non-city residents if they decide to park on Sinatra Drive during the day.
Most people who would want to park for a short time in Hoboken would never want to walk the 10 or 12 minutes that it will take them to walk from Sinatra Drive to Washington St. or the residential streets of town. It makes no sense; there are no stores in that area or real attractions.
I took a walk at midday and almost all of the parking spots were empty. Way to go City Hall, you just put perhaps 75 more cars onto the streets of Hoboken cruising around looking for that elusive parking spot.
Did I miss something? Did the city create 75 parking spots somewhere else? On top of the crippling rise in city taxes that have pushed the affordability of living in Hoboken to the breaking point, the city is now implementing changes that affect the quality of life in town. It makes little sense.
Since you have taken away many parking spaces, how about allowing parking all the way around Sinatra Drive (except perhaps the curve.) I see almost no reason why parking is prohibited from certain sections of the western side of Sinatra Drive including right in front of Sybil’s Cave. I have lived in Hoboken for 25 years and have always relied on being able to park on Sinatra Drive, but no more. Thanks City Hall.

Andrew Bacha

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