The Council’s audacity…time for change

Dear Editor:
The recent vote not to adopt a mandatory 10 percent pay cut for all council members is another indication of the irresponsibly, recklessness and lack of concern our elected leaders have toward the needs of the people of Hoboken. In case you all haven’t heard, CEO’s, top level managers and most of the American workforce are being forced to contribute in some meaningful financial way toward solving the country’s financial crisis.
I find it offensive and completely unfathomable that this is even a topic up for debate! Why should you all, who through poor planning, incompetence and a failure to serve the public in wise and effective ways, be able to continue to be compensated at your current salaried positions? Your poor management and oversight have foisted an excessive tax burden upon the backs of the citizens of Hoboken.
I propose supporting immediate administrative substitutions who will actually face these issues in a fair, comprehensive and humane way. The time for change is now!

Anthony Varriano

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