HPD needs a top to bottom overhaul

Dear Editor:
I read with dismay the Hoboken Reporter 2/15/09 article “Police chief candidates have interesting backgrounds,” concerning the three final candidates to become the next Chief of the Hoboken Police Department. How was the decision made to promote someone from the ranks inside the HPD to become the next Chief, instead of instituting a broad search for the best possible replacement? At a time when a cloud of scandal and mistrust hangs over the HPD it would make sense – perhaps too much sense – to seek new leadership outside the department.
The HPD’s image and reputation certainly needs rehabilitation. As a 30-year resident of Hoboken when now and then bringing up the subject of the local police to friends, what I uniformly hear is that they are afraid of the people in the uniforms. Anecdotes of unprofessionalism, profanity and actual abuse abound. By no means do I want to tar all Hoboken police with the same brush – I know some fine officers –but I’ve heard about (and experienced firsthand) too many instances of coarse, curses-in-your-face rudeness, sometimes coupled with clear ignorance of the laws supposedly being enforced. Obviously training was lacking; somehow too many unqualified persons were hired. A truly sad situation because one wants to believe that (nearly) every cop on the force “has your back” – and is a courteous professional who makes you feel safe, not scared.
The issue of budget busting salaries and benefits for a too large number of captains and upper brass, crowned with the fact that the forced-to-retire former HPD Chief took home a larger compensation package than the NYC Police Commissioner, is yet another example of how radical are the changes needed at the HPD.
It is painfully obvious that a band aid, in the form of a simple promotion from inside the present system, will not reform the HPD. What is needed is a top to bottom overhaul. Wouldn’t it be nice to feel good about our local police? I’ve felt that in many other places. The residents of Hoboken deserve it, too.

Name withheld

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