Put your peace where your mouth is

To the Editor:
We presently have a humanitarian catastrophe and crisis in Gaza that requires our speedy action!
Freedom from and resistance to the fourth most powerful, nuclear-armed, military power in the world has produced deadly results. Since Dec. 27 (my birthday), Israel’s full-scale invasion of Gaza, an area measuring 25 miles long by five miles wide and home to over 1.5 million indigenous Palestinian refugees living in life threatening poverty, has reeked deadly results: 1,300 Palestinians have been killed, more than 5,320 Palestinians injured, over 410 children killed, over 104 women killed, many will be disabled for the rest of their lives, and an estimated 90,000 have fled their homes. Also, 13 Israelis have died over the same period, which include 10 soldiers, including four by so-called “friendly” fire, and three civilians.
Read Edmund Connelly’s “For Whom the Gaza Bell Tolls – Part 1” article in the Jan. 16, 2008 issue of “The Occidental Observer.”
Write to your elected officials. Visit www.congress.org to see names.
Vote for questions to Obama on Palestine by going to change.gov and “open for questions.”
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