On Martin Luther King Day, various officials called on the public to find ways to volunteer for worthy causes. If you want a list of places to volunteer in Hudson County, we’re linking HERE TO A LIST OF CHARITIES that we print every year around Thanksgiving…even though some of the info is about Thanksgiving dinners, many of these anti-poverty groups and local shelters need help year round.
Below is a message from the governor’s office, including a link to a list of places to volunteer throughout New Jersey…
“New Jersey Governor Jon S. Corzine and Secretary of State Nina Mitchell Wells have joined President-elect Barack Obama in calling for renewed focus on the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday as a national day of service. The federal King Holiday and Service Act, signed in 1994, challenges Americans to transform the MLK holiday into a day of citizen action volunteer service in honor of Dr. King.
“President-elect Obama and his family plan to take part in service activities on the day before the inauguration, and are urging participation in widespread volunteer initiatives across the country, such as serving meals to the homeless, cleaning schools and neighborhoods, or helping disadvantaged youth and the elderly.
“The Governor’s Office of Volunteerism and AmeriCorps, in the Department of State, are committed to increasing awareness of the need for volunteers statewide and simplifying the process of finding the most appropriate opportunity using a new, interactive volunteerism website, www.volunteernewjersey.org. The site is designed to serve as the state’s one-stop resource for individuals and organizations, facilitating communication and coordination efforts statewide.”