Dear Editor:
Did you ever hear of New Jersey Assemblymen Democrats, representing District 7, Herb Conaway and Jack Connors, well you should, these two political geniuses are trying to eliminate plastic bags from all shopping establishments larger than 10,000 square feet. If successful these individuals will be responsible for a limited ban on the use of plastic bags in New Jersey. They’re admirably submitting this proposed bill in the name of the environment.
This is coming from a State where corruption, political thievery and kickbacks are second to none. This is coming from a State that has the irresponsible, shameful dishonor of being in the top percentile of documented cancer diseases of all magnitudes. This is coming from a State that was given the unflattering, disgraceful, appalling nickname of Cancer Alley.
Let’s investigate this a little further before we roll out the red carpet and give these two individuals a Nobel Peace Prize. It’s true plastic does take a long time to decompose but why just signal out and stopping at plastic bags. Plastic is not only an essential part of the American economy, it is a beneficial product found in almost every capacity of our daily living. Garbage bags, computers, stereos, cars, buses, homes, toys, clothes, shoes, cell phones, furniture, chairs, pens; should I go on or do you get the picture?
Then why are they condemning this small portion of a large spectrum? This item as all plastics is recyclable. Could it be that the alliterative motive is basically endorsing the authorization of cost reduction for the retail establishments? Is this leading to the justification of another tax to the consumer? Was there any hefty political contributions made? Call me skeptical, untrusting or cynical, but when I heard that one the alternatives or should I say gimmicks to alleviate this sudden emergency of great concern from our environment was purchasing canvas bags from your preferred choice of business or trade.
Why should this additional cost be conveyed to the consumer? Especially with the suspicious notion of saving our natural surroundings. The mandatory utilization of these canvass bags should be offered free of charge, for a limited time, with the money saved by replacing the allegedly deadly plastic shopping receptacles. This promotion would not only illustrate their sincere commitment but also shows good faith by rewarding their loyal customers. Credit should be given each time the canvass bag is reused; after all savings should trickle down to the consumer. Proving that their hearts are in the right place instead of increasing the earnings in their pocketbooks.
What will they think of next? Tell us how we must eat our eggs. Don’t laugh, this was actually a law until angry public outcry repealed it leaving an egg on the lawmakers’ faces.
Political demigods, who persistently undermine our intelligence of existence, are constantly invading our freedom of choice. They hit us over the head with a velvet hammer that renders us unconscious to deceit and treachery. Hopefully one day we will wake up from our coma.
William P. Frasca