Iraq, Hoboken and Cammarano

Dear Editor:

Does anyone remember when we were about to invade Iraq, we were told that one of the bonuses to that misadventure would be lower oil prices?

Does anyone remember how for years local politicians were telling us that one of the bonuses to Hoboken’s alarming over development would be more “ratables”? Those in the know were not convinced of the deceptive “bonus” to our city. Yet, like the price of oil, we find ourselves in a local fiscal deficit looming at $11.7 million. What happened to all those “ratables”?

And to make matters worse, Councilman Cammarano has the gall to suggest that we “privatize” some of our municipal services to save money.

I suggest that people read Greg Palast’s “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy”. This book explains exactly how corruption works in this country and how those tactics can be applied internationally, nationally, locally. Privatization (aka “outsourcing”) is a way to lower workers’ wages and rights, charge more to the taxpayer – and when there’s a problem, no accountability to the taxpayers because there will never be any open investigation to a “private” company. It’s a raw deal for the taxpayer.

My suggestion to Councilman Cammarano (or anyone on Roberts’ 2005 reelection slate) who hints as privatization is that those who make the suggestion should be first ones to have their job outsourced. My mother has been a crossing guard for 20 years in South Orange, NJ. Her job is about to be outsourced as I write this letter. Those are the folks who get outsourced: the ones on the bottom of the socio-economic totem pole.

We live in strange times. As citizens we need to be more informed. Again, I recommend Greg Palast’s book (titled above.) As least then we can understand why this country is not as great as it used to be.

Amy Valent


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