What’s with all the secrecy regarding Anthony Iacono’s ‘resignation’?

Dear Editor:

At the August 28 council meeting residents in attendance viewed my questions to the mayor and council as that of my making a joke of Town Administrator Anthony Iacono’s absence. My questions were calculated to get a reaction from those in authority. However, the reaction and response I received (silence) turned out to be a joke. Permit me to explain.

I inquired as to why Anthony Iacono was absent. Mayor Elwell did not respond. I thought maybe I missed an explanation that the mayor might have given at the outset of the meeting for his absence. I wanted to say goodbye and wish him well. All in council looked at one another, said nothing. They gave the impression that they did not know what I was talking about; likewise many in attendance that questioned me after the meeting as to where I was going with my line of questions.

The reaction I received from the mayor was complete silence, his expression similar to that of a deer caught in the headlights of a car. The members of the council just stared blankly into space. Would you believe not a peep. No one explained Mr. Iacono’s absence. While waiting for a response the silence was broken by our Town Attorney, knowing the mayor needed help, asked me why I was wearing sun glasses (I had recently had eye surgery and required to wear dark glasses). This tactic of changing the subject was often employed by Anthony Iacono to bail out Mayor Elwell when he would get caught putting his foot in his mouth. Oh yes, Mayor Elwell will miss Anthony Iacono. The question remains as to why Anthony Iacono did not attend the last meeting. Could it be that a certain council member advised him not to attend? Could it be that certain councilman was John Shinnick?

There will surely be more questions raised surrounding the “secrecy” as to why Anthony Iacono “resigned.” At this point in time I have one question. Was Anthony Iacono pushed out so as to be replaced by someone handpicked by the Jersey City powers that be? Again, perhaps Councilman Shinnick could help us on this question.

This is the second time this summer the mayor and council would have you believe, we know nothing! For months, the application of Damascus Bakery to move to Secaucus was on file with the Meadowlands Commission before our mayor and council were aware of this intended move, (if we can believe them). Now our mayor and council know nothing about the resignation of Anthony Iacono until they/we read about it in the Bergen Record, two days later. Give me a break.

Bottom line – I don’t make jokes, I attend council meetings and report what transpires, and you know what, what’s going on in Secaucus at this point in time is no joke.

Tom Troyer


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