Gifts for the first-born Jose Marti Middle School celebrates ‘Layette Drive’

“The light of good deeds is like the light of the stars.” – Jose Marti

Jan. 28 marks an important time in the history of the Cuban community both at home and abroad, as they celebrate the birth of the country’s most revered patriot and poet Jose Marti.

Born in Havana in 1853, Marti has been called the Apostle of the Cuban Independence from Spain. He furthered the cause of his people particularly through his political writings, and was also the founder of the Cuban Revolutionary Party. Marti was killed at the Battle of Dos Rios against Spanish troops on May 19, 1895.

Before the communist takeover, Cuba began the annual tradition of the Canastilla Martiana, known in the States as the Layette Drive, in honor of Jose Marti and to commemorate his birthday.

These layettes were a compilation of donated baby gifts, which were presented to babies across Cuba that shared Marti’s birthday.

Since then the tradition has since been carried on throughout the United States by the Cuban American community.

Union City’s Jose Marti Middle School is celebrating their third year of the Layette Drive.

“This is our third year conducting la Canastilla Martiana, which was done in Cuba before Castro,” said Teresita Diaz, assistant principal. “The first child born on Jan. 28 will receive the whole thing.”

A new tradition

The tradition started at the middle school the same year it opened in 2004.

“When we opened the school, Assistant Superintendent Alicia Morejon approached me with the idea and said let’s try it,” said Diaz. “That first year we called it the ‘Inspiration of Jose Marti,’ and I wrote letters to everyone in Union City asking for donations.”

The donations will be awarded to the first Union City infant born on Jan. 28. Local businesses Casa Manito and El Bambi, donated the crib and mosquetero (mosquito net).

In addition, residents throughout the city have brought clothes, diapers, strollers, and every other newborn necessity.

“All the schools in Union City also collected money to donate the rocker, the dresser, and play pen among other things,” said Diaz. “Everyone is involved this year.”

The Layette Drive is a joint effort conducted by the Jose Marti Center for Multicultural Education, the Union City Board of Education, along with the help of Mayor Brian Stack and the Union City Board of Commissioners.

“I really want to thank the members of the Board of Education and Mayor Stack for allowing us to continue with this tradition, and for their support,” said Diaz.

Presentation and celebration

The school clerk is currently reaching out to local hospitals, which will be relaying information on Union City births on the 28th. The first child born that day will receive the entire layette.

“The hospital asks the parents if they want to accept,” said Diaz. “They are always really surprised and grateful to receive the gifts.”

For the last two years, the recipients of the Layette Drive have been baby boys.

“This year we’re hoping for a girl,” said Diaz.

The crib and all layettes will be on display in the lobby of Jose Marti Middle School (JMMS) until the special presentation, which is scheduled on Wednesday, Jan. 31, at 7 p.m. in the school cafeteria.

The event will also include a special performance of the JMMS Choir and a community artistic cultural production.

“The mayor will also present a proclamation to the parents and all of the gifts to the lucky child,” said Diaz. “The school choir will perform, and a local ballet studio is also anticipated to perform that night. Refreshments will be served and everything is covered by the city.” Jessica Rosero can be reached at


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