The Single Guy – Date number two Cory and the wedding planner

The dates have begun! The Current has been setting up Cory Checket, the 26-year-old bar manager, on dates with local women who have applied.

For date number two, Cory was introduced to Kate Sullivan at the Black Bear, the downtown local hotspot in Hoboken. Hoboken resident Kate owns her own business and is a wedding planner. Will the two hit it off?

He said…

With Date number one under my belt, I figured this one would be a little easier. Yet, just like date number one, Katie arrived a few short minutes after I did, so my plan for a pre-date shot of Jameson was foiled yet again. Oh well.

We were immediately escorted to our table in a corner on the upstairs level.

I diverged from my usual wine with dinner pattern and went with a beer, while Katie opted for a glass of Pinot Grigio.

Much like Liz, talking to Katie was very easy.

We began discussing the basics, and I was immediately overwhelmingly impressed to hear about her business and how she arrived to where she is today. Katie owns her own wedding boutique in Hoboken, where she will plan your entire wedding, or just sell you any wedding necessities you could ever need.

Majoring in journalism, a seemingly unrelated field, she really followed her heart and delved from the usual beaten path and, through hard work and dedication, was able to realize her dream of owning a shop.


We ordered some appetizers and continued with the usual “where are you from, how long have you been in Hoboken?” type dialogue.

The server really did a great job in giving us whatever we needed while avoiding any lingering, and the food was tasty.

I must say that there were a few awkward silences, but generally the conversation flowed smoothly. She has bounced around the country, living in different places generally by herself which, to me, demonstrates a certain sense of independence and self-confidence, two of my favorite traits in a woman. I have dated too many girls that would be far too scared to take risks like that.

One thing about Katie that I found quite mind boggling, if not sacrilegious, was that during her four years at college, she only attended ONE Terrapin basketball game.

She said…

Walking to Black Bear for my blind date with Cory, I couldn’t help wonder what I was doing. Yes, I am single. No, I have not met the right guy. Did those two facts truly warrant putting my dating life into the hands of The Current? Yet there I was, and there was no choice but to move forward. As I pushed open the doors of Black Bear, I thought, “Let the games begin!” Luckily, Cory instantly put me at ease and the awkwardness of the situation seemed to fade away. All I know is that moments after our introduction, we were in an upstairs booth chatting away about anything and everything.


Cory and I feasted on typical Black Bear fare: appetizers of fried calamari and chicken quesadillas, followed by a pasta dish for me and Chicken Marsala for Cory. Although we enjoyed everything, the food took a backseat to the conversation.

Conversation between us was easy and spontaneous. We chatted about our respective routes to our current careers, our recent weekend adventures, our families, our living situations, and many other topics.

Most of all, I enjoyed hearing about Cory’s extensive travels as that is something I have not had the opportunity to experience. One subject naturally led to the next, keeping the date lively and fun. Time flew and before I knew it, it was time to head home.

Cory kindly offered to drive me, and when we arrived at my apartment, Cory got out of the car to open my door. In my typical do-it-myself fashion, I’d already let myself out of the car. Still, I appreciated the sweet gesture. Cory’s friendliness, warmness and intelligence are impressive. He is someone who I would like to get to know better.

But no matter what happens, I’m glad I put my dating life into the hands of The Current. It was a fun time!

What’s next?

Cory’s next date is with Denise. And guys, keep in mind, the ladies in the series might be our next “Single Girl!”


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