Veterans salute Governor Corzine

Dear Editor:

“Let us pause and pay tribute to the men and women in uniform who risk their lives around the globe, many in our New Jersey National Guard. Let us pray for their safety as we do for all who sacrifice to protect us at Home and Abroad.”

These were the words of Governor Jon Corzine as he made his “Inaugural Speech” just last week. These words weren’t hidden away somewhere within his speech. They were spoken just after he thanked all the dignitaries in attendance and make a special tribute to Mr. Codey, the outgoing governor.

He thanked those men and women wearing the uniform, as they should be thanked, right at the beginning of his speech. Thus, the Hoboken American Legion, salutes Governor Corzine for remembering our troops and reminding us all to pray for their safe return. I’ve read many articles about the Governor’s speech but not one mentioned that he praised the troops and that we should pray for their safety, as well as those who protect us here at home. So as Hoboken Clergy men and women take to the podium for their weekly homilies, let’s listen to see if they remember to pray for our troops. For the first time ever, we have more men and women from the National Guards serving on active duty, some even from Hoboken.

Bless our troops, God Bless our elected officials and God Bless America!

Tom Kennedy, Commander
American Legion Post 107


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