Vote for the Roberts’ Team; they represent the best of the ‘old & new’ Hoboken

Dear Editor:

I am writing this letter to emphatically endorse the four candidates that care most about Hoboken, by combining and forming a mayoral ticket that honors our great past as a city and our bright future as a community. As councilman of the most dynamic ward in Hoboken, it is with great pleasure that I endorse the reelection bid of Mayor David Roberts (5A), Councilman at Large Ruben Ramos Jr. (9B), and Council at Large candidates Terry La Bruno (10B) and Peter Cammarano (11B)

The Fourth Ward of Hoboken represents the most unique blend of old and new. Our strength lies in the diversity of our great neighborhoods. As one explores the southwest areas of our city, you quickly recognize that we have the largest concentration of senior housing at 400 1st Street, 221 Jackson St and 220 Adams, as well as, affordable housing units and the largest amount of new residential units which have been constructed over the past six years. While some may view this diversity as negative, I view it as the backbone of a healthy community. Our challenge as citizens is to create communities out of areas that once strived on chaos. It was only yesterday that realtors and newcomers to this city recited their apprehensions about venturing west of Willow; however, today we are striving to keep all of our neighborhoods clean and safe for all its residents.

Since I believe Hoboken’s greatness lies in its diversity, I believe a Mayoral ticket should reflect that quality. As you explore the intellectual, cultural and ethnic diversity of the candidates that are vying to represent this great community, there is only one team that represents the best of old and new Hoboken and that is the Roberts’ Team.

Over the past four years, Hoboken has thrived under an investment of a quarter of a billion dollars from the State of New Jersey for infrastructure and schools. This is largely attributable to the relationship Mayor Roberts enjoys with our great Senator Bernard F. Kenny Jr. Working together, Mayor Roberts & Senator Kenny will continue to make a difference.

Let us recognize that Hoboken’s future has never been brighter and more inclusive to everyone. I believe that Mayor Roberts and his team have the passion, drive, and ability to ensure that residents from Harrison Street to Hudson Street are equally part of our decision making process. I urge you to vote for Mayor Dave Roberts, Ruben Ramos, Jr., Terry Labruno and Peter Cammarano.

Very truly yours,
Fourth Ward Councilman
Christopher Campos, Esq.


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