Dear Editor:
Verizon Wireless’ move to eliminate 100 percent of the regulatory fee it charges customers for local number portability, which allows them to move between wireless service providers while keeping their numbers, is the right thing to do for our own customers an competitors’ customers, as well.
Millions of Americas have switched service providers since last November when the Federal Communications Commission ruling took effect, but over time the volume has stabilized. As a result, Verizon Wireless is reducing the portion of the regulatory charge that has helped defray our ongoing costs for implementing local number portability from 45 cents per month down to 5 cents, by far the lowest among national service providers.
Some will ask why we would freely give up millions of dollars in revenue each month. Frankly, customers are tired of paying up to 35 percent of their overall wireless bills on taxes, fees and the costs of government mandates. By eliminating the local number portability fee, Verizon Wireless is doing its part to stem the tide, joining with public officials throughout the nation who have led the fight to eliminate these heavy financial burdens on consumers. We need to stop regulating and taxing the life out of wireless and other high-growth technology industries.
Verizon Wireless has gained significantly more customers than we have lost under number portability, due mainly to our reputation for having the most reliable network. We are dedicated to achieving the highest quality in all facts of our business, including customer service, billing and on the value we provide to our customers.
Eliminating our number portability charge is another step on that path. Charles Hand, President
Verizon Wireless NY Metro Region