The old grouch is back

Dear Editor:

Now that most of the homeowners in Weehawken have paved over their front yards to make carports, some of them have found it necessary to acquire oversized vehicles that do not fit in the carport. They hang over onto the sidewalk just as the Queen Mary II extended beyond her slip. This, of course, cuts down on pedestrian space but it’s not as bad as cars being actually parked on the sidewalk, which frequently occurs.

Then there are the gates which some owners have installed at their carports; said owners blithely driving off leaving the gates open, thus partially or completely blocking the sidewalk.

We all know there is a parking problem, but hey, give the walkers a break. Or maybe there shouldn’t be any walkers, everyone should have a car and then what’s left of the sidewalk could be used for parking too. And eventually legs will shrink and wither, going the way of the wisdom tooth.

As for the little old ladies who don’t have and can’t get a car, they’ll just have to stay home until the Senior Van comes to get them. Tough. Anonymous

P.S. Please do not print my name. I’m not really an old grouch…I just like to walk!


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