Stack is inconsistent

Dear Editor:

I find very interesting and confusing the actions and letters of the Mayor of Union City, Brian Stack. He comes out in letters opposing 50 cents to $1.00 increases of the “Waterways Ferry” services, while at the same time is willing to give up hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes received by the city by picking the wrong locations for his school projects – the very same residents he is trying to protect from paying an extra 50 cents will pay a lot more for their real estate tax (and thereby rents as well) to make up for this loss of tax revenues. Oh, and he’s also opposed to an increase by Cablevision (the subscription to which is a “luxury” item if you can’t afford to pay due to being poor.) Again an increase in rents and taxes would not only be more substantial – they are not things you can “cancel” because the price is too high.

This is a true example of being “penny wise but dollar foolish.” This man is boasting of “protecting and helping his residents” — his thoughts and goals should be on protecting them in the big areas that would hurt them the most.

Confused observer
Hudson County


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