Time to stop passing the buck and start passing the peace pipe…

Dear Editor:

And the breech goes on! Rather than try to bridge the breech and bring peace and harmony to the severely split Democratic Party in Hudson County, leaders of the Hudson County Regular Democratic Organization continue to exacerbate the serious situation that is doing more harm to the residents of the county that these HCRDO leaders may realize. There were rifts and much in-fighting in the Democratic Party here in Jersey City and Hudson County in years past. But after all was said and done, the warring factions kissed and made up, as the old saying goes, and political life peacefully went on. And the Democrats prospered, as did the citizenry. Can’t the same be accomplished now?

This can happen again if the brain trusts of the HCRDO come to the realization that Mayor Glenn D. Cunningham is here to stay. In the June Primary Election, Mayor Cunningham overwhelmingly defeated his opponent for the right to run in the November General Election, capturing a landslide victory from the votes in the 31st Legislative District. Mayor Cunningham and his two running mates for the Assembly, former Hudson County Freeholder Louis Manzo and Bayonne City Councilman Anthony Chiappone, were the victors in the November 4th General Election. They will play a commanding role in the affairs of State Government when the three are sworn into office on January 13, 2004. Mayor Cunningham’s political power is stronger today than when he was elected Mayor in June 2001. And it is growing stronger with each passing day. By their selfish and foolish practices, such as continuing the court suit to overturn the legally certified results of the June Primary election, the HCRDO is, in essence, disenfranchising a whole block of voters who supported Mayor Cunningham. This is unconscionable. Disgusting. Degrading. And un-American.

When the HCRDO had a splendid opportunity to break the impasse and bring the two factions together, the leadership once again did a disheartening thing. They added salt to the wounds when they decided to send the person whom Mayor Cunningham soundly defeated in the June Primary to Trenton as the interim (temporary) State Senator to represent the 31st Legislative District. Did you ever witness such preposterousness; sending the loser rather than the winner to be our represented voice in the State Senate. The action of the HCRDO in this manner created more roadblocks to Unity. As a lifelong resident of Jersey City, as well as being a Democrat and a very proud community activist, I find the actions of the HCRDO appalling. There certainly are cooler heads that can discuss this issue more rationally and then try to persuade the recalcitrant people within their organization that there is a better way. Peace and Harmony. For a more powerful and influential Democratic Party in Hudson County and the State. One in which all the residents of our great County can take pride.

It is time to face reality. The actions of the HCRDO only serve to make the citizenry wary and weary of what its leadership is doing. Let us hope and pray that before the membership of the Senate and Assembly are sworn into office this January 13, that wiser heads will prevail in the Hudson County Regular Democratic Organization and a really true olive branch will be extended to Mayor and State Senator-Elect Glenn D. Cunningham. It is time to stop passing the buck and pass the peace pipe!

The ball is in the HCRDO’s court. Not the State Court of Appeals! Let’s bridge the breech.

Anthony L. Grazioso


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