Thanks Mayor Roberts for opening the ice rink during the holidays

Dear Editor:

Hoboken is a small community with big city issues, like providing its children and adults with additional open space and recreational opportunities.

As I walked through the city over the weekend, I began to fully realize how Hoboken has utilized its parks to the greatest potential, from the Castle Point Skate Park to the new Ice Rink at the Little League Field.

The unseasonably warm weather brought out hundreds of people to the waterfront who utilized these parks and spent quality time with friends and family. I would like to commend Mayor David Roberts for having the foresight and ability to open an ice skating rink in time for the holidays. The rink provides a free and fun way for families to enjoy the winter season outdoors and will hopefully evolve into a Hoboken tradition.

Hoboken is doing a great job maximizing its park assets to the benefit of all residents. Again, great job Mayor Roberts and keep up the good work.

Marisa Picardo


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