The world’s a better place because of Nat…

Dear Editor:

We in Hudson County must recognize and pay homage to a noted journalist who, for many decades contributed many well-written, professional, honest and caring stories to all readers in our area. Nat Berg, a man of integrity and ability was able to touch many lives in the political worlds where he reported on all of the aspects of city, county, state and federal government issues and personalities.

Nat would call the government or political official and would start the conversation by asking “what’s doing?” and then would commence to concentrate on the subject of his call. All those interviewed by Nat always could be assured that they would be treated fairly and the news stories would be accurate. Nat would also be involved in many charitable endeavors and assisted great individuals like the late Councilman Thomas McGovern with fundraisers for St. Ann’s Home For the Aged and the Jewish Home and Hospital in Greenville. This writer is proud to have served on boards with these two benefactors.

We wish Nat Berg many more years and health and happiness for himself, wife and children – the world today is certainly a better place because of Nat.

Robert B. Knapp


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