Thankful this holiday season UC, WNY residents take stock in life

With the events of Sept. 11 still reverberating in the consciousness of many Americans, invariably, “giving seasons” such as Thanksgiving and Christmas tend to make folks reflect on the deeper meaning of life and what is truly important to them. In an effort to gauge what local residents are feeling during this holiday season, The Reporter walked the streets of North Hudson to ask what they’re thankful for.

“The most important thing is my family. That’s really all that matters, right?” – Robert Dellosso, mail carrier, West New York

“Well, my children, definitely. My family and good health as well.” – Monique Akonor and her daughter Efua, West New York

“I’m thankful for the health my family has.” – Oscar Merimo, West New York

“I’m thankful for my family.” – Anna Cuellar, West New York

“My parents.” – Sandra Salazar, Union City

“Family and health. That’s really it.” – Franco Lungo, West New York

“I agree. Family and good health.” – Joe Bamert, West New York

“I am thankful for my life and for my health.” – Jose Pacheco, mail carrier, Union City


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