Save the Friends who saved the Loews

Dear Editor:

The Friends of the Loews must be allowed to retain full control over the development and the use of the Loews Theatre in Jersey City.

The greatest improvements to Jersey City’s neighborhoods and cultural life the past half century have all come from the inspired work of dedicated neighbors; not from big developers or power politicians. Three great examples of this are the renovation of the Loews by the Friends of the Loews; the renovation of Van Vorst Park by the Friends of Van Vorst Park and the renovation of Ercel Webb Park by the Communipaw Block Association and the Monumental Baptist Church.

Mayor Cunningham is a tough man with a good heart, and I am sure he will do the right thing. Mayor Cunningham did the right thing when hundreds of neighbors presented their plans for the Ercel Webb Park renovation and expressed shock that some official had already gone out to bid with park plans they had never even seen. The Mayor told this official to cancel the bidding process on those plans (nine days before the deadline) and to instead go out to bid with the community’s vision. Van Vorst Park is called the jewel of Jersey City’s Parks because of the inspired work of many hundreds of neighbors over many years time choosing every detail of this intricate renovation and planting and maintaining all 60,000 plants in the Park; and then bringing in music, performances and Farmers Markets…with more to come!

Whoever the official(s) is who wanted to abort the effective community empowerment and work of the Friends of the Loews, Mayor Cunningham must once again say, “No, we will go with the vision and work of the empowered neighbors who care.” I’m sure he will love this.

Dr. Clifford S. Waldman
FVVP Founder


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