Blaming the wrong people

Dear Editor:

John Tomasin wrote to this newspaper berating President Bush and his administration for allowing criminals such as Janiszewski to stay in public office while trying to weed out other criminals. Mr. Tomasin should know that the investigation of Janiszewski and corrupt Hudson County official began underway during the Clinton administration. So, Mr. Tomasin should write to Bill Clinton or Hillary Clinton and complain to them. I never read a letter from Mr. Tomasin that he was bothered that Janiszewski, a known thief, was in office. In fact, I bet Tomasin voted for Janiszewski, since Tomasin is a diehard Democrat.

So, instead of speaking the truth about a “fellow Democrat”, Tomasin choses to vent his anger on the wrong people. I am so tired of people who use every excuse to try to tear down our President. People did it with Clinton and now it’s Bush. This was just a good opportunity for Mr. Tomasin to bash Bush and his administration. But, he should have checked his facts first.

So, my message to Mr. Tomasin is, while he is checking his facts in the future, he should also try to vote for better candidates as well.

Doris Grucio


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