An open letter to Mayor David Roberts

Dear Editor:

The Hoboken Public Library Board of Trustees takes this opportunity to acknowledge the continued support of the Mayor’s Office. Your administration working in concert with the Trustees to fund recent building improvements have not only stabilized this structure but have in fact restored and preserved the exterior of this community treasure. These accomplishments have paved the way for a concentrated effort on plans and fundraising for improvements related to compliance with the American Disabilities Act.

The recently approved amendments to the FY04 municipal budget includes a significant and long overdue increase in library funding that will enable us to continue the improvement of services, extend Saturday and evening operating hours, as well as take the Hoboken Public Library one step closer toeing accessible to persons who are physically challenged.

On behalf of the library staff and its patrons, the Board of Trustees expresses appreciation for these initiatives that help us achieve the goals of our long range plan.

The Hoboken Public Library
Board of Trustees


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