Mayor Roberts has fixed the ‘unfixable’…

Dear Editor:

In these times, I believe we need leaders who are honest, have integrity, compassion, humility, a sense of fairness and maintain a common sense approach toward governing.

I have recently been a CEO of a small company of 300 people and also held executive positions in public and private companies. I reached the above conclusion after many years as a leader. For I found that having the above qualities was the only way to gain the trust of those whom you lead and allow you to be effective.

Hoboken has been most fortunate in having David Roberts as its mayor (leader). He was elected a short time ago, and inherited a city government, that had a momentum built up over the years, which I though was “unfixable” (similar to the way I presently feel about California), Since then, our mayor has taken on the many challenges of making changes to begin the process of fixing years of past problems. In his short tenure, David has shown himself to be an outstanding leader. He has displayed the qualities mentioned above. Mr. Roberts made positive changes in Hoboken, as evidence by the improvement in the quality of life from such things as building new parks and playgrounds, sponsoring many community events, improvements in parking and overall cleanliness in our town. He has shown compassion toward the elderly, homeless and the struggling families in our town on many occasions. His concern for the improvement in educating of our children is well known throughout the city.

He and his staff are presently addressing the city budget, and his leadership is evidenced again by his common sense approach to the budget process. He understands that there are only a few variables in the process. Increase revenues, decrease costs or some of each. There is no other choice. These options require “new” thinking, and Mayor Roberts has done so. He is examining a unique way to increase revenues directly to Hoboken by granting tax abatements for certain new building projects. Secondly, his common sense approach with regard to the refinancing of Hoboken debt will decrease costs. Mr. Roberts announced perhaps the most difficult of all budget considerations, which is the review of salaries and employee health costs. He is obviously ready to make the tough but necessary choices that all effective leaders must make. Mr. Roberts will undoubtedly receive criticism from those who find it easy to criticize without offering substantive alternatives.

I voted for Mayor Roberts because I trust his leadership. I encourage others to see through those that sit on the sidelines and criticize and place your trust in the mayor’s core values. These are the qualities that will enable him to make the right choices and lead our city into the future, a future without the poor reputation of its city government that has been Hoboken’s for far too many years. Best wishes Mr. Mayor.



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