Dear Editor:
In the Dell Avenue section of North Bergen best described as “Who would want to live here anyway?”, the residents have complained in the democratic fashion about objectionable: 1) odors; 2) noise; 3) garbage; 4) incessant movement of large trucks; 5) etc.
They have also complained about the dust which settles on everything, especially on the streets.
In choosing to live in a region not strictly devoted to residences (factories, trailer park, bakery supplies, horse supplies, tractor trailers, trucking), these late-coming residents knew what was in store for them. They chose to buy their homes in this area because the sales price of the home was ridiculously low compared to homes in other sections of North Bergen.
Residents complain that they are prisoners in their homes, not being able to enjoy a backyard barbecue or even to open a window. I worked in the truckyard across from this facility for four years; noise was not a problem, except for the blasting horns of passing freight trains and the operator had an employee constantly wetting down the street to control the dust (yes, there was dust.) In the warmer months, the windows were open, and we suffered no ill effects.
As for sewers backing up, this has been a decades-old problem long before the recycling facility was installed; the water table is too high owing to the swamp like conditions of the surrounding area. You see, Dell Avenue backs up to railroad tracks and is only one block from the noisy and polluting Route 1; the noise from Route 1 is not the subject of the residents’ ire although, possibly, it should be!
While parking on Dell Avenue is a problem, residents have their own parking on the side streets, driveways and garages. However, the car/truck rental facility (which also has a “special” relationship with the Township) around the corner on Route 1 routinely parks its vehicles on Dell Avenue (without paying a rental fee or violation tickets to the Township), taking up whatever space might otherwise be available.
While the recycling facility has always enjoyed a “special” relationship with Township officialdom, it “seems” to be knuckling down to the demands of the oppressed. Looks (“seems”) can be deceiving. In the process, the Township will reward one of its most generous political campaign contributors — DeCotiis, Fitzpatrick, Cole & Wisler — with a contract using taxpayer moneys — for legal services in connection with the problem. It seems to be a slam-dunk to enforce the 1/4 million dollar fine — the Township cannot possibly lose — therefore, why not have it handled as a side event by the Township attorney (what was he placed on the payroll for?).
The residents wonder, somewhat disingenuously it would seem, who is going to buy their homes. The answer: people like them, who were willing to put up with their dismal surroundings for a very cheap purchase price!!
Warmest personal regards,
Frank X. Landrigan