Very disappointed in the Hoboken Board of Ed…

Dear Editor:

The following letter was written to Patrick Gagliardi, Superintendent of Schools:
I would like to express my tremendous disappointment with the Hoboken Board of Education regarding the late start of the 3-year-old pre-school program, with almost no advance warning. I understand that this delay was due to the construction of the classrooms designated for the pre-school program at the Brandt School.

My daughter was to begin the 3-year-old pre-school program on September 3, 2003. On Friday, August 29, 2003, my husband and I received a message that the program would not begin until September 8, 2003. This call was made on the Friday before Labor Day weekend at 2 in the afternoon. Further, we had been at a meeting at Calabro School on the night before and had not been given any indication that the school may not begin on time. As we are working parents, we had gone through great effort to arrange our schedules based on information we had been given.

Your lack of attention to this matter was inexcusable. We understand that there are construction delays and unforeseen problems, but the lack of respect that was given to the parents was unacceptable. We were given very little notice that we would need to arrange childcare for our 3-year-olds. As this program is designed for the working parent, the parents were the last to be considered when it was decided that the schools would not open on time.

I am very disappointed with the lack of attention to this matter and the lack of notice that was given to the parents. I can only hope that this is not an indication of what to expect for the school year.

Sonya G. Chazin


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