Get out and vote for Mayor Stack for state assemblyman

Dear Editor:

I would like to take this opportunity to share an important event that will occur soon.

In November of this year we will have the opportunity to vote for a new state assemblyman. This is a crucial election. We will have an opportunity to send Mayor Brian P. Stack to Trenton. This, however, is important in more ways than one. We all know how hard Mayor Stack works for us locally, and now we have the opportunity to have that same work ethic at the state level.

We in Union City are lucky to have such a tireless worker leading our city, and to have that same person representing us on the state level will only further our potential locally. Mayor Stack understands better than most that our elected officials work for the voters who elect them and not the special interest groups.

I believe that by sending Mayor Stack to Trenton we will not only have better representation but also all of the other state level elected officials can observe how a representative should really work. By sending Mayor Stack to Trenton his work ethic will undoubtedly rub off on the state officials he works around.

Let’s all send a message in November and vote for Mayor Stack as our assemblyman.

Joe Botti


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