Jersey City has more pressing issues than renaming a street for Celia Cruz

Dear Editor:

The debate over renaming Grove Street to honor Celia Cruz reminds me of the lesson plan taught by my high school teacher on Alice in Wonderland. She said, Lewis Carroll was not writing a fairy tale for children, he was making fun of the foolishness of public officials.

There are many serious issues facing Jersey City — polluted air caused by auto emissions. Our government is contributing to this problem by approving development that doesn’t restrict parking.

Our public officials have not addressed the problem of flooding. Municipal government has allowed massive buildings to be built in downtown Jersey City, which is a flood zone. These buildings are raising the water table. Open space must be preserved for runoff, not office space.

Our public officials are not protecting its citizens when another property revaluation happens. The richest citizens in Jersey City — the developers — are still receiving tax abatements. This means tax abated property are excluded from the ratable base, resulting in an unfair tax burden for everyone.

Again, public officials are not addressing the issue of funding the Board of Education when the state leaves. Jersey City receives massive aid under state take-over — what will happen when they leave? All new buildings are abated– abated property do not pay Board of Ed taxes. What is local government’s plan to protect its citizens from massive tax increases?

Apparently, there is no plan. The only plan government has is to honor a late singer.

I have never been in favor of renaming streets; however, it would be more appropriate to honor Sgt. Jaro C. Puello, a former Jersey City resident who died in Iraq while saving the life of another soldier.

There is a monument at the entrance of City Hall that honors the soldiers, sailors and marines who served in the Civil War. I am proud to live in a city in which citizens of the past fought in a war that united our country. That monument reminds me of their sacrifice. I believe future residents would also be proud of the sacrifice of Sgt. Jaro C. Puello.

Fifty years from now, no one will remember Celia Cruz. People barely remember Mae West and Jack Benny, major entertainers in their day. Unlike Celia Cruz, Mae West and Jack Benny traveled to Jersey City and performed at the Majestic Theatre — across the street from City Hall.

Like Lewis Carroll, I believe the actions of our public officials are foolish.

Yvonne Balcer


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