Dear Editor:
We need a newsletter with the great utmost for senior citizens to read. It will express ideas and problems they would like to hear. Throughout my tenure as a commissioner, I tried to explain right from wrong like problems of health benefits which we do not have yet, and it concerns many seniors because they do not have money to spend. This country has a struggling economy which the administration must take into consideration. People losing their jobs and we need no stress of the mind because there is such confusion, many people avoid getting the help they need. We must fight harder for our coverage of health benefits.
The war is over and we should get some support from our politicians with leadership in Washington. Mr. President, show us senior citizens you care about our health problems, because you do have value and compassion with a concern of kindness. That is a good feeling to have in your heart! We seniors are a community of caring people dealing with problems that can be with an effort to obtain assistance we need. Identifying the needs and services gaps which affect senior citizens, making recommendations for legislative programs and actions on behalf of senior citizens is important.
On the Sunday talk show was the Secretary of the Treasury; he knew the struggling economy is in trouble; it is a mission of distress, a problem of pain and suffering for senior citizens who cannot buy health care benefits because prescription drugs are necessary and too expensive. Lastly, I just want to say let’s all remember this at election time!
Louis V. Saliceti
Jersey City Mayor’s Commissioner on Senior Affairs