Vote for Beth Mason, someone you can depend on

Dear Neighbor:

In less than two weeks we will select our councilperson for the next four

years. I ask you to vote for Beth Mason.

Hoboken is a city with a small town feel. You walk down the street smiling

and nodding to your neighbors and trading family news with the shopkeepers.

The parks are full of people of all ages, enjoying the opportunity to be out

of doors together. There is still diversity in this town, even though the

cost of living does keep rising. Hoboken has its own personality, and

doesn’t look like every other town in the USA with big chains choking out

local business. This is why I¹m proud to call Hoboken my home, why I love

having friends come to visit, and why I encourage others to come live here.

This is a crucial time in Hoboken’s history. The city budget has a $10

million dollar structural deficit, and development continues with little

regard for the wishes of the residents. Unfortunately, local politics seems

to have taken the lead from our national politics with regard to big money

and special interests having the ear of our politicians. We need

representatives with an eye toward the future, representatives who will not

let the voices of special interests drown out the needs of the constituents.

Beth Mason has been working hard for the future of this town. She already

has earned credit for attempting to bring Stevens and the community to a

consensus on parking ­ unfortunately City Hall has been unable to capitalize

on this effort and bridge the gap with Stevens’ Students. Beth also

encouraged Stevens in their development of a Master Plan; she was the

driving force behind the much-touted master plan for the city; she has been

a strong proponent of fiscal sanity and emergency preparedness.

Beth Mason is concerned for the future of all Hoboken residents. Please vote

for Beth, as accountability to the people of Hoboken is what we need most,

not accountability to the developers.

Sincerely yours,

Dana Ricci


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