Kudos to Jersey City on removal of snow during our most severe winter

Dear Editor:

The Metropolitan area suffered one of the most severe winters in recent memory. The 2002-2003 season brought below freezing temperatures and colder wind chills more days and nights than in the last eight years. Over 50 inches of snow, freezing rain and sleet fell on Jersey City, the most since 1995-1996. But the residents of Jersey City were spared the misery and hazardousness of impassable streets and roadways due to the Herculean efforts of the Jersey City Incinerator Authority, which has the primary responsibility for the plowing, clearing and removal of snow and salting our community’s streets and roadways. The dedicated public servants of the JCIA, along with the fine men and women of the Jersey City Department of Public Works, had our streets and roadways down to ‘black top’ — as the clearing and cleaning of snow is referred to in the trade –in record time. The men and women of both of these municipal agencies worked long hours and throughout the night to insure that Jersey City was close to normal after each winter emergency. Jersey City was the envy of other communities in Hudson County for the quick manner in which it responded to the snow emergencies, receiving accolades from citizens and businesses alike.

These snow emergency responses, no doubt, required much planning, cooperation and coordination. It is refreshing to know that our public servants work in unison when it comes to emergencies such as the snow and freezing rainstorms we experienced this past winter.

Hats off to Mayor Glenn D. Cunningham, whom I saw on the streets helping direct work crews during the February 16-17 snow storm; Oren K. Dabney, the Chief Executive Officer of the Jersey City Incinerator Authority, along with his experienced and deeply committed employees; Betty Outlaw, Director of the Jersey City Department of Public Works and the fine employees of JCDPW; and James King, Executive Director of the Jersey City Parking Authority and the Parking Enforcement Officers of the JCPA. All involved are true public servants who, from their actions, show that they have the bet interests of the residents of Jersey City foremost in their minds.

It is refreshing to know that our elected and appointed officials not only lead well but also personally participate in emergencies, working side by side with the men and women who actually keep our great City on the move. I called City Hall, JCDPW, JCIA and the JCPA to offer my appreciation to these municipal agencies for the outstanding service they provided this past winter, but I also wanted all the residents of Jersey City to know what a great job was accomplished by the people of these public agencies. That is why I have written this letter.

It is reassuring to know that Mayor Cunningham, Director Outlaw, Chief Executive Officer Dabney and Executive Director King are in such commanding public positions. With such committed public officials, it makes me proud to say I am a resident of what I consider to be the most exciting community in the nation — Jersey City.

Sherwin Guido


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